The production process of balsamic vinegar is long and laborious. Echoing the passage from one cask to the other, the “TraVasi” project triggers a game of tasting through the gesture of pouring. A series of hollow chocolates, which symbolize the casks of vinegar cellars, are laid down on a base at different heights. The tasting process begins after the balsamic vinegar is partly poured from one chocolate to the other. A Williams pear, originating in the same land of balsamic vinegar, can be placed inside the chocolates. TraVasi was developed in cooperation with Into the Food and Mario Peqini Patissier. It was showcased at Fabbrica del Vapore di Milano on the occasion of XXI Triennale di Milano, within the New Craft exhibition. The project was conceived by MAKEAT, an Opendot User Group who explored the combination of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar (Acetaia San Giacomo) and chocolate.
Ph. Claudia Castaldi